On your marks…

img_0009.jpgWith just a few days until school starts, this is just a heads up that we have updated the website. Most of the details outlined in the DW POPPY MUSIC 2017/18 Handbook are now live, including our performance calendar for the year. Demo recordings of this years material will be posted in the coming days, but please take a moment to look around and we’ll see you in a few days!

DW Poppy Music 2017/18

Welcome back!

It is our great pleasure to welcome you all back for the 2017/18 season of music here at DW Poppy Secondary! We are looking forward to a great year with our school concerts, district events, Jazz Cafe, ESPRESSIVO and our Junior Tour to the Whistler Con Brio Music Festival and Senior Tour to Toronto.

We will post our opening schedule next week and you can check back as we post the rest of the details for this year online in the coming weeks. We hope you enjoy the final few weeks of holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks.

Mr. Follett & Mr. Ablitt

SCC sings tomorrow

Remember that SCC is singing “O Canada” at the awards ceremony Friday June 16th.  We will not be in uniform as it is such a brief performance.  We will have a short run through at lunch in the choir room.

Summer Music Opportunities


It may be three months away, but it isn’t too early to start thinking about summer plans. There are a number of great musical opportunities that your child can participate in over the summer. Here are a few:



March Music Update – It’s CRAZY busy this week

First of all, a massive congratulations to Mr. Ablitt and all of the students involved in the very successful production of SISTER ACT for a job well done!
We have one week left before Spring break, but it is particularly busy so we wanted to post a quick reminder of everything going on. A quick note that senior tour paperwork is out now and I hope to have more information out for junior tour shortly. We have a few more announcements that we’ll make later this week, but to get a handle on what’s going on, here’s the next week of activities:
Monday, March 6
  • Senior Jazz and Redhawk Voices Rehearsal ARE ON AS USUAL
  • Band 10 – Have you dropped off your Chilliwack Band Festival paperwork yet?
  • Neufeld Farms pickup at DW Poppy at 6:00pm tonight
Tuesday, March 7
  • Senior Chamber Choir and Junior Jazz Ensemble Rehearsals ARE ON AS USUSAL
  • Elementary Zone Concert starts at 7:00pm
  • Anyone who can help setup after school is greatly appreciated
  • Call for SWE and all touring members of Concert Band 10 is 7:30 as guest performers for the show
Wednesday, March 8
  • Senior Wind Ensemble IS ON AS USUAL (Band 10 members who are on tour need to join us by 7:45am for a dress rehearsal on our massed tune)
  • Sounds of Spring Concert – 6:30pm Call w/ 7:00pm start
  • All DW Poppy Musicians are performing this evening
    Admission by donation at the door

Thursday, March 9

  • Concert Band 10 participates in the Chilliwack Band Festival
  • Band 10 meets in the band room at 8:30am in uniform
  • We will be back no later than 2:00pm
    **We are still looking for 1-2 parent volunteers to help chaperone the day
    **Rugby 7’s players who are driving back after our performance need to contact me regarding necessary district paperwork

Friday, March 10

  • Senior Tour Medical and Permission Forms due today
  • Last day before break. Please take instruments home today so they are not here over the holiday.
Saturday, March 11 – SPRING BREAK!!! See you in 2 weeks
Thank you again for your flexibility around the snow that has taken up residence here on the South Coast and to the kids for their hard work over the last two months! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we’ll look forward to seeing you at at least one of our shows this week.
Mark & Wayne

Neufeld’s Round 2 – DUE THURSDAY FEB 23!

We have second round of Neufeld’s orders with a very quick turnaround. Forms are linked here: NeufeldsOrderFeb2017 and hard copies are in the band room hallway in “the rack”but everything needs to be back by Thursday, February 23 (day before the pro-d next week) so we have a 7 day turn-around. Please be sure your kids drop orders off in the Black Box on the Band Room Office Door, NOT the main office.
Current fundraising balances are already posted in the band hallway and will be updated with this new round as soon as possible.
Thanks so much to Mrs. Niiranen for taking this on again!
Mark & Wayne