ESPRESSIVO is sold out!

We are very excited to announce that ESPRESSIVO: Holiday Celebration is officially sold out. We increased our capacity by over 100 seats from last year and have no tickets remaining. Thanks to all the volunteers and students who are in the process of making this show an event to remember. Don’t forget to let family and friends know that they can also visit to watch the show online.

See you on Wednesday evening!

Welcome to November…

Hard to believe it is already November, but after a very successful District Choral Festival with Dr. Richard Nace and schools from around Langley, it is important to know that the work continues and the next 4 weeks are very busy for DW Poppy music students.

Thanks so much for your ongoing support of your child’s music education. As usual, if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Follett or Mr. Ablitt, and check your email and back here for updates!

Langley District Choral Festival Rehearsals

All students should have brought the newsletter home last week, but we wanted to remind all choir families of our altered schedule this week and our mini-massed choir rehearsal at Langley Fundamental Secondary School.

Monday, October 19th, we are rehearsing with Richard Nace before school on our concert repertoire. Rehearsal will run from 6:45am to 8:15am. Students will be excused from the first 10 minutes of class on Monday.

Monday, October 19th, we are rehearsing along with LSS, Brookswood, ACSS and Langley Fundamental from 4:00pm to 5:30 at Langley Fundamental (21250 42nd Ave) on our massed choir material.  Mr. Ablitt has organized a bus for students who require transportation. The bus will pickup at DW Poppy at 3:30 and be back no later than 6:00pm.

Our performance takes place on Octber 26th in the evening at RE Mountain Seconday (7755 202a Street). Call is 6:00pm and the concert begins at 7:30pm. Students need to find their own transportation and are asked to dress in all black for this performance. No uniform pieces are required.

Welcome to DW Poppy Music’s 2015/16 Season!

After a restful summer, we wanted to welcome you back to DW Poppy Music for our 2015/16 season. We have a great year planned including some new events.

  • Our first major event is to host Louis Hayes and the Cannonball Legacy Band at DW Poppy on Tuesday, September 22nd from 3:30-5:00pm. This concert is in conjunction the band’s tour to Vancouver with the Coastal Jazz and Blues Society.
  • November 4th and 5th, join us for our fall nights of music from our Juniors and Seniors respectively.
  • December 2nd is this year’s ESPRESSIVO: Holiday Spectacular. Kick off the holiday season with family, friends, food and holiday favourites compliments of all our ensembles here at Poppy.
  • February 11th is a new event, the Poppy Jazz Cafe, featuring our jazz ensembles: Midnight Blue Junior Jazz Band, Hot House Senior Jazz Band and Poppy Vox Vocal Jazz.
  • March 9th is Sounds of Spring, brining you classics from our “classical” ensembles: Concert Bands 8, 9 and 10, Senior Wind Ensemble, Redhawk Voices and Senior Chamber Choir
  • Our spring tours include Sun Peaks for our Juniors and Montreal for our Seniors in April and May
  • Join us on June 7th and 8th for the Junior and Senior Concerts and Awards Nights where we recognize some of our outstanding young musicians.

The website is currently being updated, so be sure to check back often. If you have questions, contact us at and and we look forward to a great year working with your children.

PS – Please ensure you return the Student Commitment Contract your child received at school this week by Friday, September 18th.


Currently directly serving more than 160 secondary students and over 200 elementary musicians, the DW Poppy Music Department is pleased to offer 5 concert bands, 2 jazz bands, 2 choirs, 1 jazz choir, and pit orchestra for musical theatre. By teaching band at many of the surrounding elementary schools as well, we are able to encourage students from as young as grade 5 to explore music. Students perform many times through out the year both at the the school, the community, and on tours from UBC, Whistler and SunPeaks to New York, Disneyland and beyond.

Attendance – or – “80 percent of life is showing up.”

Xvxry studxnt is a “kxy” mxmbxr of thx xnsxmblx!
I accidxntaly pourxd a coffxx on my laptop kxyboard this summxr. It sxxms to bx finx xxcxpt for onx kxy. You would think that with all thx othxxr kxys functioning propxrly, onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticxd; but just onx kxy that doxsn’t work propxrly sxxms to ruin xvxrything. You may say to yoursxlf “Wxll, I’m only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if I don’t do my bxst. If I don’t practicx, doxs it rxally mattxr? If I miss a rxhxarsal or don’t participatx in a pxrformancx, who would carx?” But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcausx a grxat musical xnsxmblx nxxds xvxry mxmbxr participating to thx bxst of thxir ability all thx timx.

So, thx nxxt timx you think you arx not important and don’t nxxd to bx with thx xnsxmblx, rxmxmbxr my computxr and know that you arx kxy to our succxss!