October 18 Email Update

Dear DW Poppy Music Families,



Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey regarding performances this year. With 98% responding that, assuming there are no changes to current circumstances, concerts either could or sould go ahead this year, we will be organizing our Fall concerts for November17 and 18 as follows:

  • Senior Night of Music for all grade 10-12 students on Wednesday, November 17
  • Junior Night of Music for all grade 8 & 9 students on Thursday, November 18.
  • Both concerts will start at 7:00pm

Further details will follow next week regarding call times, concert setup, and how the evenings will work, but please put the evening(s) related to your family aside. I will be following up with families with concerns to see how we might better address any, but know that while we look forward to going ahead with this important educational experience, your child’s safety is our priority. If you have further concerns, please let us know.



FUNDRAISING IS BACK! Each student in the music department has their own account that they can raise money towards music department travel and other music expenses. While we may currently not be traveling this year, funds are bankable year-to-year while your child is in the program so these funds will be available until they graduate from music. Any unsued funds can either be passed on to younger siblings in the program or go to support DW Poppy music as a whole.

Poinsettia Sales:

One of our most successful fundraisers every year is Poinsettias. Order Forms are attached and hard copies are available at the school.

  • PAYMENTS NEED TO BE BY CHEQUE Payable to the DW Poppy Music Department
  • Orders must be in an envelope and dropped in the RED BOX on Mr. Follett’s office door no later than November 19th.
  • Poinsettias need to be picked up the afternoon of Friday, December 3

Music Parent Cathy Gropp (cgropp@sd35.bc.ca) has coordinated this fundraiser for a number of years and is graciously continuing, but please let me know if you are able to assist her as we usually end up with ½ the band room full of plants on pickup day.


Thanks so much for continuing to support your child’s love of music and we look forward to seeing you on November 17 or 18!


Mark and Jered


PS – Save the dates as we hope to also be able to go ahead with the following performances:

  • March 7 & 8 – Junior and Senior Spring Nights of Music
  • June 8 – ESPRESSIVO: Summer Pops