November 10th Email Update

Dear Poppy Music Families,

Based on the responses we received to our call in mid-October, we’re looking forward to our two nights of music next week. As it’s been a while for us and the experience of concerts here at Poppy is new for many of our students, here are the details

  • Grade 10-12 students are performing on Wednesday, November 17th
  • Grade 8 & 9 students are performing on Thursday, November 18th
  • SETUP: Setup will take place each day after school from 3:00pm until we’re done (usually around 3:45) and all music students are expected to assist with at least one setup this year. There are shows now, in March and in June. Setup Sign-out lists will be posted once the Dramnasium is ready for the show.
  • UNIFORM: Black with optional Red Accents (Poppy Ties or Scarves for grade 10-12 students can be purchased from Mr. Follett)
  • TICKETS: Admission is by donation at the door (all proceeds support your child’s music activities here at Poppy) – We are asking that you register ahead so we can gage our audience size against our capacity for the Dramnasium
  • CALL TIME: Arrival time  for students is 6:40pm in uniform. Students need to sign in for the evening in the band room or choir room and their performance will begin at 7:00pm
  • CLEAN UP: We will ask parents to exit the gym through the south doors and then have all performers quickly assist with clean up after the concert. Sign-out lists will be posted when the rehearsal and performance spaces are ready for morning classes (Usually about 15-20min post-concert).

As we are working within the COVID protocols for the evening, a few notes and reminders:

  • All audience members, as well as all students except for woodwind and brass players during their performances, are required to wear masks while in the school
  • All audience members are asked to sign-in for contact tracing
  • Please leave two (2) empty seats between family groups in the audience
  • At the end of the evening, we ask that all audience members exit through the south doors of the gym (the audience’s left) and meet their children outside or at their vehicle after the concert rather than congregating in the lobby during cleanup.
  • While we do not expect to be over capacity for the evening, please let us know how many audience members your child will have with them for their concert here:

Thank you all for supporting your child’s love of music. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we look forward to seeing you here in the Dramnasium next week.

Mark & Jered