DW Poppy Music Handbook

Welcome to the DW Poppy Music Program! It looks to be another great year for Poppy’s musicians as we also welcome our new Choir Director, Ms. Chen. In addition to our regular school concerts, we look forward to working with guest musicians, district and community festivals, and our junior and senior tours. Please be sure to read through this handbook completely to familiarize yourself with this year’s events and activities along with course expectations other information about your child’s involvement in the music program at DW Poppy.

Please take note that full participation is expected for all activities as indicated on the DW Poppy Music Calendar of Events. We rehearse as an ensemble, we perform as an ensemble and travel as an ensemble. As there is a cost involved with travel, there will be a number of fundraising opportunities throughout the year to support every child’s participation in every activity thanks to the work of parent volunteers who support the music program.

There are many opportunities for parents to be involved in supporting their child’s music education. With concerts, festivals, tours, fundraising, promotion and so on, there are many ways you can help make this year a great experience for your child. All Music Parents are asked to join us for our first Music Parents Meeting 7:00pm on Tuesday, September 17 (after the Grade 8 Parents Meeting) where we will discuss plans for this year including our concert and festival schedule, our Junior and Senior Music Tours and fundraising plans to support your child’s involvement in music.

Xvxry studxnt is a “kxy” mxmbxr of thxir xnsxmblx!

I accidxntaly pourxd a coffxx on my laptop this summxr. It sxxms to bx finx xxcxpt for onx kxy. You would think that with all thx othxxr kxys functioning propxrly, onx kxy not working would hardly bx noticxd; but just onx kxy that doxsn’t work propxrly sxxms to ruin xvxrything. You may say to yoursxlf “Wxll, I’m only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if I don’t do my bxst. If I don’t practicx, doxs it rxally mattxr? If I miss a rxhxarsal or don’t participatx in a pxrformancx, who would carx?” But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcausx a grxat musical xnsxmblx nxxds xvxry mxmbxr participating to thx bxst of thxir ability all thx timx.

So, thx nxxt timx you think you arx not important and don’t nxxd to bx with thx xnsxmblx, rxmxmbxr my computxr and know that you arx kxy to our succxss!

DW Poppy Music Calendar of Events

Every effort is made to ensure the calendar is accurate but changes may occur. You will be notified as soon as possible of any adjustments, but please note that listed events are all course requirements as indicated. Student participation in these events is mandatory (with the exception of the Junior and Senior Tours) and part of students’ mark for the course.

The Academics, Arts, Athletics and Leadership work together to allow students to be involved in as many areas of the school as they choose. If scheduling conflicts arise, whether around a regular  rehearsal or a performance, please have your child speak with the relevant teachers/coaches and we will look for the best solution to support your child’s experiences here at DW Poppy.

In-Timetable Rehearsal Schedule

Concert Band 8 – B1 || Concert Band 9 – B2 || Concert Band 10 – C1

Off-Timetable Rehearsal Schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Before School

7:15 – 8:45am

Senior Jazz Band 10-12

Junior Choir 8/9

Junior Jazz Band 8/9  

Senior Choir 10-12  

Senior Wind Ensemble 11/12  Senior Jazz Band 10-12

Junior Choir 8/9

Junior Jazz Band 8/9 

Senior Choir 10-12

Block 1/2
Lunch Hour Senior Wind Ensemble 11/12 Senior Wind Ensemble 11/12
Block 3/4
3:15 – 4:45pm Vocal Jazz 10-12 Vocal Jazz 10-12

Regular Personal Practice
  • Regular personal practice outside of class is a course expectation. It is not only essential to learning how to perform one’s parts for their ensemble, it is a path towards self-discipline and has ramifications for personal fulfillment and a lifetime of success well beyond music. 
  • Students have many time commitments outside of school so practicing is about working on performance goals on a regular basis in small amounts of time. 
  • 15-30 minutes per day may be enough for many students but work to meeting goals, not a timer. 
  • Practice techniques will be covered in class and Band students will receive a How Do I Practice? handout at the start of the course and are strongly encouraged to using these strategies to help ensure their success. 

Attendance and Lates
  • If you are late or absent for rehearsal, we require a note, e-mail or phone-in from a parent (or teacher if you’ve been held late in the previous class) or you will will be considered late/unexcused absence and subject to the school’s attendance policies. 
  • “Off-timetable” classes require the same regular attendance as those between the bells to meet these outcomes.
  • As off-timetable classes are not connected to the regular call-in system at the school, please communicate via email with Mr. Follett or Ms. Chen if your child will be late or absent.
  • Repeated absences and/or lates can significantly impact student progress and the rest of the students in the ensemble, so they will impact students’ opportunities and final grades.

Concert Participation
  • DW Poppy’s music classes are performance-based and performance dates are sent home in September to give significant notice of those student commitments so participation in all school and local performances is a course expectation. If you are absent from a performance, (music’s version of a final exam), the previous months of work by the ensemble is suddenly incomplete and can have a tremendous impact on your classmates. 
  • Parents are asked to communicate any conflicts related to participating in performances as soon as possible and we will work with you to find a solution in everyone’s best interest as long as we have enough notice – 2+ weeks – to make musical changes to support the rest of the ensemble.
  • In case of emergency situations, please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible. We understand that things happen that will be more urgent and will do our best to support everyone.
  • As students are assessed on their performance at both rehearsals and performances, unexcused absence from a performance will directly impact their grade.

Concert Dress (Uniform For All Performances)
  • Students are expected to wear the complete uniform for all performances. 
  • If there are financial reasons that families are unable to provide the following items, please communicate by the end of September so we can provide the necessary items. 
  • Students need their uniforms complete by October 15 as we will have yearbook ensemble photos

Grade 8 & 9 Junior Ensembles  (CB08, CB09, JC, JJE)

  • Long sleeved black dress shirt
  • Black dress pants
  • Black socks & dress shoes

Grade 10, 11 & 12 Senior Ensembles (CB10, SWE, SC, SJE, VJ)

  • Long sleeved black dress shirt
  • Black dress pants
  • Black socks & dress shoes
  • Red Poppy Music Tie or Scarf purchased for $10 through School Cash Online

Concert Setup & Cleanup
  • Students are expected to setup for one school performance per semester (two for the year).
  • Signup will take place during the first week of school and the setup crew list will be posted in the music hall.
  • Concert setup takes about 30-60 minutes (except for ESPRESSIVO events) and students need to sign-out at the end of the setup process to receive credit for that setup.
  • After performances, every participating student is expected to stay and clean up so that rather than a few people staying very late, everyone is able to head home at a reasonable time. 
  • When cleanup is done, a sign-out list will be posted to take attendance.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances, please communicate those as soon as possible as we understand that there are occasionally challenges.

  • Assessment and Grading

Students all approach the study of music from their own previous experience so benchmarks for success include individual growth and contribution to the ensemble. All music courses run in a similar format with difficulty and expectations increasing from grade 8 to 12. The Arts Education – Music curriculum outlines the curricular competencies of Exploring and Creating, Reasoning and Reflecting, Communicating and Documenting, and Connecting and Expanding, experienced and expressed through both non-performing and performing actions and activities.

Individual courses will may use different weighting and activities, but assessments of musical knowledge/skills/understanding (k/s/u) will generally use either a “4 point” scale or the EXT-PRF-DEV-EMG scale to show the level of what students demonstrate they know, they can do, or that they understand.

  • 4 – EXT(Extending): demonstrates exceptional k/s/u related to grade-level expectations 
  • 3 – PRF(Proficient): demonstrates proficient k/s/u related to grade-level expectations 
  • 2 – DEV(Developing) – demonstrates k/s/u approaching (but not yet meeting) grade-level expectations
  • 1 – EMG – Emerging – is not yet demonstrating the related knowledge/skills/understanding

Equipment and Materials

All Band Students will need to supply:

  • Instrument in good condition with your name and contact information on the case
  • Necessary accessories (Reeds, Valve Oil, Spare Strings etc.)

Students who Double, play more obscure instruments or need financial support:

  • the school has a limited collection of instruments available to rent for the year at a cost of $10 per month ($100 for the year). 
  • Many instruments can be provided to families in financial need free of charge – please contact us for further details.
  • Students need to ensure their instruments are clearly labeled with their name and phone number and that they are stored in the instrument storage room or their locker when they are at school.
  • Check with your home insurance policy holder as your house insurance may cover the instrument. Teachers and the school are not responsible for students instruments.

To be purchased through the school:

  • Band 8 Sound Innovations Book 2 (RED) $10
  • Band 8 Master Theory Book 1 (BLUE) $10
  • Band 9 & 10 Master Theory Book 2 (PURPLE) $10
  • All Band Students Band Folders (Personalized) – Optional $35 
  • All Choral Students Choir Folder (Personalized) – Optional $35

Sheet Music and Books

  • The department will provide Band and Choir Students with music required for performance to be returned at the end of the course. 
  • A replacement fee per lost/damaged part may be assessed for lost or damaged music ($5.00 for band parts, $2.50 for Choir parts). 
  • Band 10-12 Students will also be provided with their Method Book to be returned at the end of the course. A $10.00 replacement fee for loss or damage may be assessed for lost or damaged method books.

All Percussionists (Drummers) need the following sticks and mallets

  • Stick Bag to carry sticks and mallets
  • Two pairs of 5A Wood Tip drumsticks (so that you have a backup when one breaks)
  • One pair of soft yarn mallets (For cymbals & vibraphone)
  • One pair of soft timpani mallets (For timpani)
  • One pair of hard plastic bell mallets (For bells & xylophone)
  • Percussionists are expected to have a Bell Kit & Snare Drum for home practice

All Percussionists in Jazz Ensemble also need to bring the following:

  • One pair of wire brushes
  • Students are expected to have a Drum set for home practice (Contact Mr. Follett to discuss)

**Please label all items so they can be returned if they get misplaced**


Music tours not only give the students an opportunity to share their music with audiences who otherwise would not hear them, but also to experience some of the travel that is part of every professional musician’s life. Tours are treated as a working-holiday, full of great experiences centred around musical opportunities to perform, listen and learn in a fun environment. Music Tours are not mandatory, but we strongly encourage full participation and thanks to supportive parents, we offer a number of fundraising opportunities throughout the year to help students afford travel costs. Watch for specific information in the next few weeks. 


Students in the music program work very hard to succeed so we are particularly pleased to recognize the work of our most outstanding students at our final concerts in the following categories:

Concert Band 8-12: The Concert Band Awards are presented at each grade level to a student who demonstrates high academic achievement, strong musicianship, professionalism and leadership within Band 8, Band 9, Band 10 or Senior Wind Ensemble.

Concert Choir 8-12: The Concert Choir Awards are presented at each grade level to a student who demonstrates high academic achievement, strong musicianship, professionalism and leadership within Junior or Senior Concert Choir.

Jazz Ensemble 8-12: The Jazz Ensemble Awards are presented at each grade level to a student who demonstrates high academic achievement, strong musicianship, professionalism and leadership within Junior and Senior Jazz Ensembles.

Vocal Jazz 10-12: The Vocal Jazz Awards are presented at each grade level to a student who demonstrates high academic achievement, strong musicianship, professionalism and leadership within Vocal Jazz

Most Improved Musician: This award is presented to the student or students who demonstrate the most growth in one or more area including academic achievement, musicianship, professionalism and leadership.

Certificates of Special Recognition: These awards recognize unique contributions or achievements of Poppy Music students and are awarded at the directors’ discretion.

Outstanding Musician 8-12: The Outstanding Musician Awards are presented at each grade level to a student who demonstrates high academic achievement, strong musicianship, professionalism and leadership in 2 or more ensembles.

What if…?

I can’t make it to the concert because of a “a family commitment/emergency”: We will not share information with others, but we will need more information than this. Your family had months of notice to plan around the concert or let us know so we could plan around your absence. Sometimes there are emergencies that we would agree are way more important than a concert so please communicate as soon as possible so that we can minimize the impact of your absence on the rest of the students.

I can’t make the concert because I don’t have a ride: With months of notice for concerts, this is not considered an excused absence. Please ensure you plan ahead: if there is a possibility your ride might fall through, please be sure you have a backup plan.

I can’t make the concert because I am sick: If you are healthy enough to attend classes, you can participate in music, including performances. If you’re so sick you are not able to attend a performance, please let us know as soon as possible so we can minimize the impact of your absence on the rest of the students.

I forgot my instrument: Tell us before rehearsal begins. If we can loan you a school instrument for the day, we will. We know this may happen once or twice during the year, but more is a concern.

I forgot my music: Tell us before rehearsal begins. We will ask you to share with another student on the same part or loan you music for the class. We know this may happen once or twice during the year, but more is a concern.

I lost my music: Please check the folder rack again and then tell us so we can help find it. If it is really gone, we will sort out what has to happen to replace it. No music (or book) means you have no way to practice to please deal with this as soon as possible.

I’m late for class: If you’re late for an extended-day rehearsal, please message us so we know you’re safe and we can make any adjustments to the lesson we may need. If a teacher held you back during the day, please ask for a note or an email. Any other lates fall under the school’s attendance policy.

I know won’t be able to complete my assignment on time: Talk to us before the due date to ask for an extension. If your request is reasonable, we’ll help you out as much as we can.

I didn’t finish my assignment: Talk to us on the due date (or when you get back to class if you’ve been absent) and we’ll figure out how to find a fair solution that allows you to show your learning.

Anything else that might be going wrong… “Problems are like mushrooms – they grow in the dark.” If something is going on, talk to us and shed some light on the issue for us. We’re here to help you get that resolved, but we can’t do anything if you pretend everything is OK.

Course Descriptions

Concert Band 8 (CB08): Concert Band 8 is for instrumental musicians at the grade 8 level. Experienced musicians will continue their study of the elements of music started in elementary band and beginners are welcome. Repertoire will include a wide variety of music and students can expect to perform a number of times throughout the year and may have the opportunity to travel with the ensemble.

Concert Band 9 (CB09): Concert Band 9 is for instrumental musicians at the grade 9 level. Students will continue their study of the elements of music. Repertoire will include a wide variety of music and students can expect to perform a number of times throughout the year and may have the opportunity to travel with the ensemble.

Concert Band 10 (CB10): Concert Band 10 is for more experienced instrumental musicians at the grade 10 level. Students will continue their study of the elements of music. Repertoire will include a wide variety of music and students can expect to perform a number of times throughout the year and may have the opportunity to travel with the ensemble.

Senior Wind Ensemble 11/12 (SWE) – Extended Day Schedule: Senior Wind Ensemble is for more experienced instrumental musicians at the grade 11/12 level. Students will continue their study of the elements of music. Repertoire will include a wide variety of music and students can expect to perform a number of times throughout the year and may have the opportunity to travel with the ensemble.

Junior Jazz Ensemble 8/9 (JJE) – Extended Day Schedule: Junior Jazz Ensemble is offered as an additional course to junior instrumentalists in the music program. This ensemble performs a variety of jazz styles including swing, latin, funk and fusion. Junior Jazz Ensemble also introduces students to the concepts of jazz improvisation. Rehearsals will run during the extended day schedule. As Junior Jazz Ensemble is a performance-driven course where the focus is different from other music classes, students are required to be a member of Concert Band 8 or 9.

Senior Jazz Ensemble 10-12 (SJE) – Extended Day Schedule: Senior Jazz Ensemble 10-12 is offered as an additional course to senior instrumentalists in the music program. This ensemble performs a variety of jazz styles including swing, latin, funk and fusion including professional level works from the libraries of Duke Ellington, Stan Kenton and Count Basie. Students will also continue to develop their jazz improvisation skills. Rehearsals will run during the extended day schedule. As Senior Jazz Ensemble is a performance-driven course where the focus is different from other music classes, students are required to be a member of Concert Band 10 or Senior Wind Ensemble 11/12.

Junior Choir 8, 9 (JC) – Extended Day Schedule: The Junior Choir is a fun ensemble that sings a wide variety of repertoire and styles. Anyone can join and previous singing experience is not required. Those aspiring to join Senior Concert Choir are encouraged to have at least one year of experience in Junior Choir.

Senior Concert Choir 10-12 (SC) – Extended Day Schedule: Senior Concert Choir is for more experienced vocalists at the grade 10/11/12 level. Students will continue their study of the elements of music with a focus on music literacy, tone production and vocal health. Repertoire will include a wide variety of music and students can expect to perform a number of times throughout the year and may have the opportunity to travel with the ensemble.

Vocal Jazz 10-12 (VJ) – Extended Day Schedule: Vocal Jazz 10-12 is offered as an additional course to senior vocalists in the music program. This ensemble performs a variety of jazz styles and will continue to develop members’ improvisation skills. Students can expect to perform a number of times throughout the year and may have the opportunity to travel with the ensemble. Rehearsals will run during the extended day schedule. As Vocal Jazz 10-12 is a performance-driven course where the focus is different from other music classes, students are required to be a member of Senior Concert Choir.